Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm Back!

Ok! It's been about three years, but I am back. I have been pretty busy starting a family, new job, moving back home and doing everything possible to get started on the rat race called life. As you can notice, I have moved to the northern parts of the state. I'm glad and proud to call Northern New Mexico as my home, it is a truly enchanting place. In the next coming months and years, I hope you readers look to this blog as an are to find a different take on political ideas in New Mexico. Ideas that I hope will take our state forward, and promote ideas that will advance our status on all levels.

With that - this is what you have been (or have missed in the last four years) following...

1. Barack Obama is our new President.

2. Susana Martinez is our new Governor.

3. Pete Domenici has been replaced by Tom Udall.

4. Steve Pearce has returned as the Congressman from New Mexico's 2nd Congressional District.

Over the past years, I have been pretty involved in several election cycles, on both state and federal levels. I have had some victories, and a couple disappointments, but I am very proud on how we have advanced on a state level. I agree with Governor Martinez's initiatives, and I hope she will move them quickly through the legislature.

In the past days, our senior Senator has expressed his desire to retire I am very happy with his decision, and it will be very fun to see how everything will progress in the coming months.

Keep reading this blog to get updates. I promise I will keep it updated, and you informed. Please email me if you have any questions at, or find me on Facebook.

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